Car Racing Betting Strategies

Motorsport competitions are widely represented between the services of bookmakers. You are able to select the most suitable race format and betting strategy for you.

aKeep in mind that most of the tournaments that are held are seasonal events, so you need to carefully consider your wagering strategy in order to provide yourself with funds before the next competitive season. When real races are not held due to weather conditions, you can stake on virtual races that take place regardless of the time of year. Let’s look at what kinds of wagers bookmakers offer.

The most popular car racing bets

Usually, bookmakers provide the chance to make the following kinds of wagers on car competitions:

  • The winner of the championship is the most common type of rate in which you need to decide which vehicle will come to the finish line first. This type of staking is also suitable for virtual events. In both cases, before placing wagers, you have to take into account the performance of the driver and the technical characteristics of the car.
  • The podium – this ante assumes a forecast for a certain rider to get into the top three. The odds for such wagers are usually lower, but less risky for bettors.
  • Top 10 is an even easier type of betting that offers you to decide which driver will make it to the top 10. This kind of staking is especially popular among beginners who do not want to take risks.
  • The best lap is a wager on the fastest overcoming of one lap. Race favorites usually save energy and fuel and do not accelerate much. Such rates are best placed on the outsiders of the championship.
  • Who is higher – by making this kind of betting on a championship, you have to compare two competing racers and predict which of them will be more productive during the event.
  • The number of finishers – you have to guess how many vehicles will reach the finish line. For esports bettors, these factors also need to be taken into account, as modern driving simulators include factors such as weather conditions and collisions and breakdowns of speed cars.
    The appearance of a pace car on the track is a situational ante that predicts the appearance of a special technical vehicle on the race track. Its appearance is often associated with changing weather conditions.
  • The gap between the first and second vehicle at the finish line is a wager for fastidious bettors that is difficult to calculate. You have to guess what the difference in time could be between the finish of the first and second car.

Choose the Appropriate Type of Bet and Win!

Having chosen one type of rate, do not stop and experiment. Start with simpler wagers and gradually move on to more complex ones. Read the necessary information and always keep an eye on the weather. Never place a large number of contributions at the same time, this approach is unlikely to lead you to success. Focus on one thing and then try other kinds of wagers, which could make your bets more profitable and interesting!